I like to barter. A good barter has both people thinking they got off with the better end of the deal. I bartered with a friend for baby sitting. She watches my boys, so we can go out to the theatre for a seasons worth of tickets and I sew for her daughter and her family. I could not be more pleased with the deal. I have collected a lot of photos that probably cover about 8 years in time. If you know children, then you know how quickly they grow. I try and make children’s clothes last for two years, but that has been hard. You can tell when the dress is new because the hem will drag on the ground yet a year latter it is too short. I enjoy sewing for this family because they have a girl and everybody in the family is the same time period. Plus they always say thank you.
- Anglo-Saxon
- Anglo-Saxon Ring Pouch
- Balls
- Bayeux Tapestry
- Beads
- Bench Chest
- Book
- Card Weaving
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- Children’s Clothing
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- Clothing
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- Dye Page #2
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- Inkle Weaving
- Kingdom A&S
- Maternity Clothing and the SCA
- Misc. Toys
- Miscellaneous
- Naalbinding
- Needles
- Noah’s Ark
- Nobody Told Me They Grow so Fast
- Pants
- Proper layout of my SCA story
- Puppet Theatre
- Rune Stone Hill
- SCA Parents
- Scribal
- Sewing Kit
- Shirts
- Shoes, Garters and Points
- Tapestry
- Textile Tools
- Thoughts about my Intarsia Tapestry Project
- Tips, Tricks and Toddlers
- Tips, Tricks and Tweenagers
- Toilet Kit
- Toys
- Tudor Accessories
- Tudor for a 10 year old
- Tudor Jewelry
- Viking Hiking
- Viking Tent
- Warp Weighted Loom