My Barony is the greatest when it comes to A&S classes! Every Thursday my husband and I host A&S. Usually we have a lecture or make a project. We have done this for well over 12 years. I estimate that 30 new classes are taught each year, once you factor in holidays and Pennsic. The Barony uses the time to teach new skills and proof classes for teaching outside our borders. That means we have taught about 360 classes. I cherish my time with my SCA friends, as it renews my interest and love of the SCA.
- Anglo-Saxon
- Anglo-Saxon Ring Pouch
- Balls
- Bayeux Tapestry
- Beads
- Bench Chest
- Book
- Card Weaving
- Casting
- Children’s Clothing
- Class List
- Clothing
- Clothing for Other People
- Coat
- Commission Pieces
- Dishes
- Dolls
- Doublet
- Dye
- Dye Page #2
- Early Period PDF Links
- Elizabethan Clothing
- Embroidery
- Fishing Kit
- G-63
- Games
- Gift Basket Goods
- Gift Basket Toys
- Inkle Weaving
- Kingdom A&S
- Maternity Clothing and the SCA
- Misc. Toys
- Miscellaneous
- Naalbinding
- Needles
- Noah’s Ark
- Nobody Told Me They Grow so Fast
- Pants
- Proper layout of my SCA story
- Puppet Theatre
- Rune Stone Hill
- SCA Parents
- Scribal
- Sewing Kit
- Shirts
- Shoes, Garters and Points
- Tapestry
- Textile Tools
- Thoughts about my Intarsia Tapestry Project
- Tips, Tricks and Toddlers
- Tips, Tricks and Tweenagers
- Toilet Kit
- Toys
- Tudor Accessories
- Tudor for a 10 year old
- Tudor Jewelry
- Viking Hiking
- Viking Tent
- Warp Weighted Loom