I have a background in art and I have been taught to copy. I have not worked with calligraphy and illumination in years. I am including a few scrolls that I made over ten years ago. Most of them were done when I was a Landed Baroness. Some were given as tourney prizes and some were awarded in court. At the time they were researched, but that is long gone, as are all of the pictures. viking scroll
- Anglo-Saxon
- Anglo-Saxon Ring Pouch
- Balls
- Bayeux Tapestry
- Beads
- Bench Chest
- Book
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- Dye Page #2
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- Miscellaneous
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- Noah’s Ark
- Nobody Told Me They Grow so Fast
- Pants
- Proper layout of my SCA story
- Puppet Theatre
- Rune Stone Hill
- SCA Parents
- Scribal
- Sewing Kit
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- Shoes, Garters and Points
- Tapestry
- Textile Tools
- Thoughts about my Intarsia Tapestry Project
- Tips, Tricks and Toddlers
- Tips, Tricks and Tweenagers
- Toilet Kit
- Toys
- Tudor Accessories
- Tudor for a 10 year old
- Tudor Jewelry
- Viking Hiking
- Viking Tent
- Warp Weighted Loom