


There are a few toys that if forgotten will cause the car to be turned around. First on the list is the scribal box. This is the toy that comes out during court. It is always stocked with fresh art supplies, stickers, coloring books or more recently find-a-word books. It is a toy for quiet play.


Inside the scribal box or pilgrims bag is a children’s girdle book. It has crayons, stickers, and paper. The small notebooks are from the dollar store and are easy to replace. The crayons are only crayola, because they will not melt in the car.



The pilgrims bags are smaller, so my children can easily carry them. They have event tokens sewn to the outside of them, a task easily done at an event. They will hold an amazing number of toys or rocks. I usually let my kids pack the pilgrims bags with whatever they want. The active child will pack juggling balls, a kadama and a snake to chase other kids with, while the more quiet child will pack metal or plastic knights and a kadama to hit his brother with.